Anand's Articles en-us Live with a Less-Than-Perfect Camera Ansell Adams might not have used a camera phone to photograph "Moonrise, Hernandez," but I bet he would have loved to have one around when he was hanging out with Edward Weston. The value of a photograph taken with a camera phone does not lie in its ph... 13th June 2011 Add Voiceovers for That Professional Touch A picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes, you need 1,020 words to communicate what's going on. That's when it's time to step up to the mic and create a voiceover track. A voiceover is simply an additional audio track for your digital slideshow ... 10th May 2011 Photography Tips: Take Flash Shots of People Who Blink Every family has one: the person whose eyes are closed every time you use the flash to take a picture. Here's how to get those eyes open. Some of the most beautiful people take the worst photographs, especially if the flash is turned on. It's almost li... 28th March 2011 Street Photography Shooting at Night Because of their compact size, pocket digicams are excellent street-shooters, enabling you to capture the grit and the glory of urban life at night? that is, if you know how. When you sit back and look at your travel shots, do you ever feel like you're... 25th March 2011 Super Photography: Get Super Close Digital cameras have macro capability built right in. But what if you want to get real close? Here's how to get a bug's-eye view of the world. Since the early roots of close photography, people have been fascinated with capturing the world up close. Su... 16th March 2011 Photography Tricks: Hack 16 Pantyhose Diffusion Filter for Flattering Portraits Razor-sharp optics is great? Unless, that is, you're photographing the love of your life. In those instances, you might want to borrow her pantyhose. A flattering portrait is often praised for its soft lighting, good angle, and natural expression. You'... 07th March 2011 Photography Attachments: Convert Your Digicam to a Digital SLR Shading the LCD monitor for easier viewing during replay is one thing, but why not go all the way and use the monitor as a virtual SLR viewfinder for shooting images too? Shading your LCD monitor makes viewing the picture in bright sunlight much more e... 28th February 2011 Smart Photography: Bubble Levels to Keep Things Straight Many digital photographers have a difficult time keeping their horizons straight while peering into their digicam's LCD monitor. Here's how to straighten things up. For some reason, it's more difficult to compose a straight horizon line with a digital ... 23rd February 2011 Smart Photography Tips #2 When tabletop supports is just too small, but you can't afford to pack a full-size tripod, you might want to consider a travel model that folds flat and fits in the smallest of suitcases. On my last trip to Europe, I knew that I wanted to photograph la... 15th February 2011