Noah Brown's Articles en-us Parenting Advice for Happier Parents and Children Every parent wants their kids to grow up to be happy and well-adjusted individuals. From the time that the new baby arrives, the parents do everything in their power to make it smile, laugh and coo. As the child gets older and begins to go to school, Moms... 13th August 2012 How to Achieve Good Child Behavior There isn’t a parent in the world who doesn’t expect good child behavior, especially when their kids are out in public. It is not only embarrassing to parents when a child behaves poorly when they go out somewhere but it oftentimes ruins the day for every... 27th June 2012 Raising Children Who Travel Well Traveling can be a dreaded situation for some parents. Most children tend to be restless and rambunctious or even downright boisterous while traveling. It is very important that parents are raising children who are pleasant and respectful travelers. It do... 17th April 2012 Parents and Children… and Surgery Getting the news that you or your child needs surgery can be a scary thing for both parents and children. Although adults understand that the surgery is a necessary procedure, kids seem to think that there is a high risk either for them to die or for the... 10th February 2012 Parents and Children, and Living within Budgets Most people are hurting financially because the economy is so poor these days. People are cutting back on extras and entertainment, and have even had to cut back on other things. Living on a budget is hard enough, but when you throw children into the mi... 02nd February 2012 Motivating Kids When Moving House Moving can be a really stressful event in life for adults, but it can be even more problematic for kids. Most children don’t accept change readily. They have concerns about moving away from their friends, their school and even the home that they have be... 20th January 2012 Useful Tips For Stress-Free Parenting Parenting children is a task in itself, no less than a full-time job. At times, it can get frustrating for parents especially if they face child behavior problems. Parenting is never easy but it can become a bit less stressful if you motivate your kids an... 08th July 2011 How To Help Your Kids Become Creative & Imaginative “Dad, please, I don’t want to miss my favorite show,” cried Evans as Bill tried to switch the TV off to make his 8-year-old son spend his time in something more constructive. “Does the TV run only your favorite shows through the day?” asked Bill in ex... 22nd June 2011 Parenting Tips On How To Motivate Your Child How many times do you acknowledge your child and say thank you? A child especially needs encouragement to feel loved and self-motivated. As a parent, it is your responsibility that your child grows up to be a motivated and confident person. As parents, yo... 07th June 2011 Tips To Improve Parent Child Bonding Parenting children is a challenging task. To build and strengthen a parent child relationship, parents need to put in serious efforts. Gone are the days when parents used strict methods in order to discipline their children. Children in general were eithe... 06th May 2011 How To Instill the Habit of Reading in Your Child "One of the greatest gifts adults can give to their offspring and to their society is to read to children." - Carl Sagan. Books are a man's best friends. Reading helps expand horizons and assists in overall child development. However, considering the... 03rd May 2011