Vikas Gupta's Articles en-us Comments of PC Wallpapers A wallpaper image may be centered, stretched, or tiled. When an image is centered, it is placed in the middle of the desktop and is surrounded by a solid color. When an image is stretched, it is stretched to cover all of the desktop. Only certain images c... 02nd November 2012 Limits of Seo Search engine optimization is the process of improving internal and external aspects of a website, or Web page, to increase its visibility on search engines. SEO involves editing the website's HTML code and content to make it more search-engine friendly... 20th September 2012 Views of Criminal Cases Crimes are usually categorized as felonies or misdemeanors based on their nature and the maximum punishment that can be imposed. A felony involves serious misconduct that is punishable by death or by imprisonment for more than one year. Most state crimina... 29th March 2012 Important Views of Personal Injury Claims Personal injury claims can include much emotional distress and as a result of a life changing circumstances. Ensuring that you receive everything you are entitled to is the job of your lawyer and they can handle every aspect of your case from analyzing y... 26th March 2012 Reasons Why You Should Make a Personal Injury Claim A personal injury claim and get entitled to compensation if you have suffered injuries through an accident that was not your fault. There are people who shy away from making a claim. Well you are in such a state of mind too. Here are many reasons why you ... 17th January 2012 Introduction of Vastu Shastra Vastu Shasta is the Vedic study of architecture, which follows certain principles and is aligned with certain beliefs. In earth, there are so many forces which affect our life. We can utilize those forces by following Vastu principles. The world comprises... 16th January 2012 Specifications of Divorce Divorce was considered to be against the public interest, civil courts refused to grant a divorce if evidence revealed any hint of complicity between the husband and wife to divorce, or if they attempted to manufacture grounds for a divorce. Divorce can b... 21st November 2011 Informations of UV Tattoo A UV Tattoo becomes visible under blacklight, when it glows in colors ranging from white to purple, depending on the ink chosen. Colored ink is also available, where the ink is visible in normal light (as with a regular tattoo) but the ink will glow vivi... 04th May 2011 Reviews of UV Tattoo Black light tattoos are done with ink that reacts to UV light. The ink is clear, making the tattoo invisible in regular light. It shines bright when beneath a black light. The black light makes the bright color literally glow. It's like having a black lig... 18th April 2011 Various Types of Divorce There are two types of Divorce Lawyer in India. A petition for divorce could either be contested or uncontested i.e. mutual consent. 95 % of all cases that are filed in India today are “contested” in nature. That is one of the primary reasons why we see m... 14th April 2011 Types of Sewing Machine There are three types of BROTHER Sewing Machine- mechanical sewing machines, electronic sewing machines, and computerized sewing machines. Since their introduction in 1800 till 1960's, all sewing machines were mechanical. Mechanical sewing machines are co... 05th April 2011 Introduction of Computerised Sewing Machine A USHA Sewing Machine is a sewing machine with a microprocessor "brain" that allows it to be programmed. A computerized sewing machine will come with many functions pre-programmed in.These are very lightweight sewing machines but don’t let that fool you, ... 04th April 2011 Principles of Arya Samaj On the 24th of June, 1877, the second major Arya Samaj was established at lahore. All subsequently established branches of the Arya Samaj have been founded upon the ten principles. Everyone who wishes to become a member of the Society must agree to uphold... 24th March 2011 Features of Divorce Mediation Divorce mediation still feels like a new idea in some parts of the country, but it's increasingly well-known and widely accepted. Mediation means different things to different people. In the form I recommend, you and your spouse would sit down in the same... 22nd March 2011 Causes of Divorce in India Divorce has become out of control in the past few years. Even in well established family, divorce in most common and it is mainly due to lack of adjustment and ego clashes. It happens in couples where both the males and females are working. There are ego ... 21st March 2011 Divorce in India There was a time when one out of a hundred marriages used to end in a divorce, in India. This was one of the lowest divorce rates in the world and definitely much better when compared to countries like the UK, when one out of three marriages ended in a di... 21st March 2011 History of Divorce India and Sri Lanka are the two countries that have the lowest divorce rates, around one and one and a half percent respectively. In this part of Asia divorce is still very rare, although it is more common in South East Asia. In India, for example, arrang... 21st March 2011 Body Piercing Infections A Body Piercing in Ncr is exactly that — a piercing or puncture made in your body by a needle. After that, a piece of jewelry is inserted into the puncture. The most popular pierced body parts seem to be the ears, the nostrils, and the belly button. The ... 07th March 2011