matthewingham's Articles en-us Oklahoma City Divorce - The Prenuptial Agreement There is a lot of talk these days about how divorce attorneys, through the overuse of prenuptial agreements, have diluted the act of marriage into being a routine business transaction between two parties. Personally speaking, I am opposed to prenups. Ca... 06th June 2011 Oklahoma City Divorce - How To Have A Peaceful Divorce What exactly is a peaceful divorce? In lawyer jargon, a peaceful divorce is referred to as an ‘uncontested divorce’. Basically, an uncontested divorce is where the husband and the wife are in 100% agreement on each one of the major issues. Now, take no... 02nd June 2011 Divorce – How To Win Child Custody By Setting A Precedent In regards to professionals, the divorce process has three major players - your attorney, your spouse’s attorney, and the judge. Your attorney will advocate your interests. Your spouse’s attorney will advocate your spouse’s interest. While the judge wi... 06th May 2011 Divorce – 5 Common Mistakes Made During Divorce You are at the point where you know that divorce is the right decision and you are ready to move forward in that direction. For the past several weeks, you have been on an emotional roller coaster. At this point in time, you are mentally fatigued. In t... 14th April 2011