BettieComerford's Articles en-us Tone your Abdomen and Pass the Challenge! Most people easily get tired of exercising and even get starved of strict dieting. Having a healthy and beautiful body is somewhat difficult to achieve since it is very time consuming. People often want to lose weight and be physically fit to experience h... 07th September 2011 Get Rid of your Belly Fat, Have a Tummy Tuck! After giving birth or extensive weight loss, many women find out that their abdominal muscles are weak and the skin in that area has become saggy. Also, stretch marks from giving birth have developed which gives them a feeling of discomfort and embarrassm... 07th September 2011 Droopy Eyelids? Worry no more and Keep your Head Up Got tired eyes and eye bags from studying or reading your favorite paperback all night? Having a blurry vision or droopy eyelids? If you got one of these problems, then there is one thing you can consider before feeling a kind of depression that you may n... 07th September 2011 Botox and Rhinoplasty: Helping you Achieve Your Ideal Facial Features Everybody loves to have beautiful facial features: expressive eyes, pouting and sensual lips, rosy cheeks and sharp nose. These are the qualities that comprise our idea of beautiful facial features. If we lack one of these, then such imperfection somewhat... 07th September 2011 Rhinoplasty: Preventing the Risks of Narrow Nasal Passage People undergo different surgeries mainly to achieve aesthetic and functional gains. There are certain issues in our body that affect our health and we need to find time treating them. Having plastic surgeries is not always about being beautiful; when the... 07th September 2011 Neck Liposuction: Remove the So-called Double Chin Men and women undergo artificial procedures like liposuction not only for aesthetic purposes. There are times that they consider liposuction not to look young and beautiful but to overcome discomfort and even embarrassment due to some flaws or imperfectio... 07th September 2011 Enhancing the Factor that Makes you Beautiful When browsing a fashion magazine, you see models with their flashing beauty, magnificent makeup, flawless skin, misty eyes, sharp nose, luscious lips and alluring body. This makes you some kind of envious since you know you are very different from them. Y... 07th September 2011 Tummy Tuck Recovery Tummy tuck procedures are popular among people who have recently lost a lot of weight, whether through natural or cosmetic methods. Those who have undergone rigorous dieting and exercise routines, as well as patients of body sculpting techniques like lipo... 17th June 2011 Cosmetic Enhancement Safety One of the main concerns about cosmetic enhancements is the safety of these procedures. While there are advanced technologies and new techniques currently being practiced in this field, the risks-- although somewhat minimized--still exist. The fear associ... 17th June 2011 Maintaining Your Post-Lipo Figure Too much fatty tissue in the body is a common problem for a lot of people. Those who don’t want to try the natural procedures of eliminating these deposits can choose cosmetic surgery alternatives. Liposuction is the most sought-after body sculpting techn... 17th June 2011 Liposuction: Things to Be Aware Of There are many people out there who have issues with the structure and shape of their body and its individual parts, making aesthetic sculpting methods popular. Liposuction is the most performed treatment out of all these methods. Quite a number of people... 17th June 2011 Preparing for Breast Augmentation Cosmetic surgery procedures introduce significant changes to the body. Greatly desiring a new look is not the same as being prepared for it. A patient must be physically, mentally, and emotionally sound to be truly prepared for the treatment, as well as t... 17th June 2011 Laser Liposuction A lot of people undergo cosmetic surgery to have better body structures which, most of the time, means getting rid of the excess fat in the body. The most popular technique used today is liposuction. In this process, surgeons insert a tiny tube into the c... 17th June 2011 Choosing the Right Breast Implants There are many women who are dissatisfied with their breasts. Most of the time, size is the main issue. While there are those who want to reduce the size of theirs, quite a lot of enhancement patients aim to have bigger breasts. There are also women with ... 17th June 2011 Getting the Boobs You Want Many Scottsdale residents think of breast augmentation as an outpatient procedure. So many famous people have admitted to getting implants that some now equate it with getting a tooth taken out. At times, people seeking breast implants seem to picture get... 06th April 2011 Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Phoenix, Arizona People should never blame themselves for being conscious about their body. It’s human nature to feel concerned about your appearance as many people believe that it sets you apart from the crowd. Without your preferred physical attributes, it would be diff... 05th April 2011 Coping with a Phoenix Rhinoplasty Surgery In Phoenix, Arizona people are aware of the fact that not everyone is created equal. Even identical twins are not really 100% the same in all areas. Each person has his or her own individuality to uphold and be proud of. However, most of the time, this un... 15th March 2011 Botox and Breast Augmentation in Phoenix Aging is an unavoidable stage of human life. Everyone undergoes this process at one point of their lives. Aging is more than just adding years to one’s age or growing of white hair. It is mostly manifested by the wrinkles on the face and sagging skin. A l... 15th March 2011 Choosing a Trustworthy Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon Every medical procedure must be administered by a professional. In the field of medicine, professionalism and expertise are required of practitioners. A doctor must be backed up by years of medical studies and intensive experience to efficiently administe... 15th February 2011 Achieving a Perfectly-Shaped Body through Scottsdale Liposuction Ask women what type of body they would like to have, and most of their answers would probably refer to an hourglass-shaped body. An hourglass-shaped body features a large bust, a slim waist, and wide hips. Hourglass-shaped women do not have excess fats on... 15th February 2011 Going Under the Knife: The Benefits of Breast Augmentation The development of mammary glands is a unique characteristic among primates. For humans, the glands are vital in the nourishment of newborns. The presence of mammary glands is also one of the main differences between the female and male bodies. The glands... 15th February 2011 What You Need to Know About Botox Modern science has a remedy for wrinkles and fine lines on the face. This cosmetic procedure is known as botox. Botox diminishes facial lines. During botox treatment, surgeons inject acetylcholine on the skin. Acetylcholine is a chemical that inhibits m... 20th January 2011 All about Breast Implants The breasts are an emblem of womanhood. They have functional and aesthetic purposes. The breasts produce milk after birth. They supply nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for babies. They are essential in breastfeeding. On the other hand, the breasts emphas... 20th January 2011 Enhancing Breast Size in Breast Augmentation Surgery The body is a temple of beauty and grace. Men and women have distinct body parts. Generally, they differ in the reproductive system. Women have mammary glands, also referred to as breasts. Breasts have various sizes and shapes. In clothing, breast sizes a... 20th January 2011 Tips to Help You Make a Decision in Getting Liposuction Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that entails the removal of fats from a person’s body. This surgery came in the 1920’s when Italian surgeons began to experiment on ways to rid body fats without any diet or exercise. Its successful emergence later in the... 20th January 2011 Things to Watch Out for in a Cosmetic Surgeon Breast enlargement is a cosmetic procedure performed to address breast size. For most surgeons, the procedure allows patients to improve appearance and self-confidence. In the past, breast implants consisted of different items but as time went by surgeons... 20th January 2011 Tips before Undergoing Breast Augmentation in Phoenix Many people consider breast implants a recent innovation in cosmetic surgery. However, history records that breast implants have been around since 1895 because doctors then were already trying to come up with ways on how to enlarge women’s breasts. In its... 20th January 2011