Carmela Borchers's Articles en-us How to Make an eBook That Sells Despite the fact that the internet has taken an increasingly important role in people's lives, the majority of individuals still enjoy reading. For example, Romance Novels still have millions of avid fans and readers. There are two main reasons as to why ... 22nd August 2011 Romance Novels Online Are Changing The Way We See Books Even though we now have many other ways to entertain ourselves, reading books still remains a popular pastime for a lot of individuals in the world. Books of various types have been around for many centuries; however, recently with the creation of new tec... 03rd May 2011 How the Internet Makes Getting Great Romance Books Easy Some years ago, those seeking to buy romance novels needed to take a trip to their local bookstore in order to find the book they were looking for. However, not all cities had book sellers which carried a wide selection of novels, thus complicating thing... 03rd May 2011 Historical Romance Novels Set in Europe I recently traveled to Italy and France and I couldn’t help but think that these countries would make the perfect setting for romance novels. The gothic spires and quaint cafes of Paris, the rolling hills of Tuscany, the mystique of Venice. I felt like I ... 30th March 2011 How to Safely Start Finding Great Romance Novels Online First of all let’s get started with the various attributes of romance novels. Romance novels are extremely popular with many readers. There are many people who are avid readers of romance novels and have become experts on the different formats and genres.... 30th March 2011 Romance Novels are More Than Just Stories About Love Romance books may be top sellers in the bookstores, but have you realized that they also contain important life lessons? These romance novels mirror the realities of life, love, and relationships. They are good for your heart, but most of all, they are ... 21st February 2011 Finding Classical Romance Novels and Authors Romance novels have kept a lot of people believing that true love exists and they can find theirs in due time. Classical romance novels have survived in today’s generation because of their unique plotlines and the method of how they were written. There’s ... 21st February 2011 Where Are The Blond Heroes In Our Romance Novels? There is one way I seem to differ from most readers of romance novels: I love blond heroes. I have concluded that I am in a tiny minority, because most romance books feature a tall, dark, and handsome hero. Not that I dislike darker-haired characters…but ... 17th February 2011 Different Ways of Finding Great Romance Books Online Are you looking for tips to find great romance books online? Here are top tips by which you can search for and purchase them online. Online Books or eBooks are nowadays very popular. People love to read them to gain knowledge about the subject. These bo... 17th February 2011 Romance Books Online: The Digital Escape Romance novels have now gone digital. There are a lot of eBooks in the romance genre that can be downloaded and read on the go. Even if we do not hold a book in our hands, we still have that similar romantic feeling in our hearts when reading romance book... 14th February 2011 Current Top Romance Novel Authors Romance novels can be fun and entertaining to read. To ensure that the next romance novel you read is as enjoyable as possible, you should take a look at some of these top authors of romantic books. Getting lost in romance novels is a favorite leisur... 01st February 2011 A Click Away From a Romantic Story Erotic eBooks are becoming all the rage now due to the popularity of handheld devices such as the Kindle, iPad, and Nook. These devices are paving the way for a whole new world that is opening up to readers. As a result, while many people may still procla... 01st February 2011 Finding Great Romance Books Online Online reading and eBooks are very common in today’s technology-based world. However, some people are still unaware of how to find and read books online. This article will show you how. From sci-fi to mystery, to history and picture books, there is tru... 19th January 2011