Leonard Dawson's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com The Buzz: Five facts you never knew about wasps Of all the pests which can invade your home, wasps are easily among the most unwelcome. They may measure less than a couple of centimetres, but their painful sting – which can prove fatal to a small minority of people – means they’re feared by many. Th... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-buzz-five-facts-you-never-knew-about-wasps-2367381.html 05th October 2011 Pest prevention: Close your door to rats No one wants to see an uninvited guest barging into their home, but rats are particularly unwelcome visitors. In fact, for many households, an infestation of this type of vermin is their worst nightmare. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about how you can... http://www.articleheaven.net/pest-prevention-close-your-door-to-rats-2367362.html 05th October 2011 How would you deal with lost car keys while out and about? We’ve all done it: been late for an important meeting or hot date and had the horrible moment where we’ve realised we’ve lost car keys. If you’re at home and you definitely remember bringing them back with you the previous night, this at least usually... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-would-you-deal-with-lost-car-keys-while-out-and-about-2275542.html 13th June 2011