Michael Jones's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Pocket Legends the game that conquers evil 0diggsdigg Share Pocket Legends- The Game that Conquers EvilThe Pocket Legends is both an iPhone and IPad App. It can be described simply as a huge RPG game which starts with one having to select a character that is based on a wide choice of qualitie... http://www.articleheaven.net/pocket-legends-the-game-that-conquers-evil-2008053.html 04th February 2011 A review of oblique strategies 1.0.0 for Android Oblique Strategies 1.0.0 is intended as an aid to boosting creativity. It’s produced by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt, and is based on a set of flash cards of a very cryptic nature, used by Eno for inspiration when working on his famous musical compositions... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-review-of-oblique-strategies-100-for-android-2001021.html 02nd February 2011 A user review of wikidroid for wikipedia for the Android This app for Android is intended to provide access to the ever popular Wikipedia for Android users, wherever they might happen to be. WikiDroid is a completely free app, and does a terrific job of achieving its goal of having Wikipedia’s power constantly ... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-user-review-of-wikidroid-for-wikipedia-for-the-android-2001017.html 02nd February 2011 Nokia smartphone a balance of symbian and meego Nokia’s Chief Technical Officer Rich Green commented on the importance of mobile applications at the Qt Developer Days event in San Francisco. He also stressed the Qt toolkit’s role in the mobile platforms. Qt will speed up the development of mobile appli... http://www.articleheaven.net/nokia-smartphone-a-balance-of-symbian-and-meego-2000974.html 02nd February 2011 future of blackberry bright or dark This year has been all about the Smartphones and their increasing dominance in the industry. According to the consumer market analysis, people are now increasingly becoming more addicted to these amazing mobile phones because of the multitude of features ... http://www.articleheaven.net/future-of-blackberry-bright-or-dark-1990816.html 27th January 2011 5 games for the iphone with beautiful graphics Apple’s iPhone is still one of the best sold and most sought-after phones on the market, despite having a quite small screen resolution and size. The 3GS has a very good processor and enough space for anything you want, plus the version 3.0 of the OS is a... http://www.articleheaven.net/5-games-for-the-iphone-with-beautiful-graphics-1970393.html 20th January 2011 Live Scores 1.4.4 for Android A user review When in the midst of football season, it’s definitely essential to have an app that will let you keep track of scores. To be properly obsessive in following a sport, it’s obviously necessary to have a way of keeping track of all of the teams performances,... http://www.articleheaven.net/live-scores-144-for-android--a-user-review-1970387.html 20th January 2011 The Planes for iphone a user review Protector: The Planes is a game for iPhone in the style of tower defense. If you are an aficionado of TD/strategy style games, you might be interested in checking it out. It has all the right components for the style of game, a game where you protect a to... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-planes-for-iphone-a-user-review-1970386.html 20th January 2011 Fotomecha enjoy the shooting experience For those who have never heard of Fotomecha, they are photography apps for the iPhone and are available in a wide range and selection. Both simple to complex brands are available. Whatever choice you would be looking for, Fotomecha will definitely give yo... http://www.articleheaven.net/fotomecha-enjoy-the-shooting-experience-1967328.html 19th January 2011 Culture cultures you can flick through When I was looking at interesting apps one day, the description of this one caught my attention. If you’ve ever wondered about certain interesting facts about countries (for me this was a “yes”) you have been to or want to visit? When you visit new cou... http://www.articleheaven.net/culture-cultures-you-can-flick-through-1957748.html 17th January 2011 A review of the Siemens SX66 phone The public wanted a mini computer that doubled as a phone, they wanted to check messages and send messages – Siemens rose to the occasion to present us with the Siemens SX66. It is the third installment in the highly successful XDA/MDA pocket PC phone ser... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-review-of-the-siemens-sx66-phone-1953928.html 13th January 2011