Parimal Tripathi's Articles en-us Ethnic cleansing - A curse to humanity This is an era of globalization where the entire world has started to get well knitted in the form a village. People from most of the urban sites on earth are now happily living together as a multi-ethnic society and almost every event is celebrated like ... 07th June 2011 Lie cannot be defended It is very easy to be a liar but very tough to tell the truth or become a truthful person. This is a very common perception. People tend to speak more and more lie in his/ her day to day activity as the truth requires courage and conviction. Even people f... 07th June 2011 Plastic Pollution The next time you do the shopping and carry home the things in a cute, comfy plastic carry-bag, think: you are contributing your share to a deadly pollution whose ill-effects are irreversible and capable of reaching out to numerous generations to come. P... 07th June 2011 Political Ideologies and Administration in India “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” – John F Kennedy Going by the above statement by JFK, I would li... 07th June 2011 About the Indian Passion for Corruption Once there was a milkman who delivered milk to a busy middle class society of Mumbai. As part of his daily ritual, he milked his cows early morning, collected the milk in a utensil, measured the day's produce and then, as his unspoken responsibility as th... 18th May 2011 Already Forgotten- Aruna Shanbaug First of all what is euthanasia. Euthanasia can also be termed as assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide (dying), doctor-assisted dying (suicide), and more loosely it is termed as mercy killing, which basically means to take a deliberate action with... 18th May 2011 Take a Pledge to Save the Children We all are made to believe that good times are here. That India is the next big thing to watch out for one the world map. Statistics are speaking aloud that Indian economy is flourishing and everybody, right from the top economists to the top astrologers ... 20th April 2011 Hour Of Change You might have noticed that the last few blog weeks have been utilized in trying to highlight the importance of energy conservation. Let it be said that there is no coincidence at work in Earth Hour being around the corner and Jaago Re deciding to open yo... 07th April 2011 Soaring High on the Wings of Hope 19-year-old Warrant Officer Hena Pore became the first girl pilot and NCC cadet from the state of Rajasthan to fly a Microlite Zen Air STOL CH-701 aircraft on the foggy morning of 27th January in 2007. WOW! The SOS Children’s Village in Jaipur, where Hen... 07th April 2011 Jaago Re Groups: A bridge to Offline Participation is a portal we created to get everyone in India to come online to talk about the issues plaguing our country. And now that we’re a 22000 member strong community, it’s about time we get ambitious. Let’s all convert the online zeal that everyone... 21st March 2011 India—are you in a coma? Mohan Murti, former Europe Director, CII, writes in “Is the nation in a coma?” that Europeans believe our leaders are too blinded by new wealth & deceit to comprehend that India is heading towards a dead end. Yes, Mr Murti, we are a nation in coma. We ha... 21st March 2011 Global warming and warming up to responsibility Our general discourse daily spans a wide variety of topics. We take sides in national politics, pass judgment on politicians, make unrealized suggestions on civic matters and ardently support our national team. We have sure solutions for corruption and th... 21st March 2011 The other India growth story: rising donations It isn’t only global manufacturers who are enthused about India’s impressive growth story. The country’s fast growing gross domestic product and the burgeoning middle class, with rising disposable incomes, has an unusual player excited — the global non-go... 21st March 2011 On A Path Without Any Destination In this interview with Naveen Vasudevan, Satish Kumar, the editor of the alternative magazine, Resurgence, talks about his 8,000-mile journey on foot to raise awareness about the threat of nuclear weapons and the connections between peace, social justice ... 21st March 2011 Earth Hour: Switch off your lights, switch on your minds In India last year, more than five million people and 56 cities switched off their lights for one hour to call for immediate action for climate change that saved approximately 1000 MW of power. (Wow!) The Indian government reciprocated by announcing its... 11th March 2011 Fighting corruption in India The life of a whistleblower in India is a dangerous one. JN Jayashree is married to a bureaucrat who has spent his career protesting against bribery and swindling in government practices. She tells Kavitha Rao that when she started to fear for her husband... 11th March 2011 World Water Day - wake up & shut the tap I woke up this morning, logged on to check the news and realized that it’s World Water Day. World Water day? Why do we need a day, one entire day in the year to celebrate the fact that we have water on earth? Thought that was a given right? And then it st... 04th March 2011 The Funda of Fundamental Rights If you’ve had the faintest association with Indian education you certainly have heard of ‘fundamental rights’. With Republic Day arriving on schedule even this year it’s a good time to have a quick revision of what fundamentals these rights talk about. We... 28th February 2011 India through the eyes of William Dalrymple “Living in India over the last few years, I have seen the country change at a rate that was impossible to imagine when I first moved there in the late eighties,” William Dalrymple writes in his brilliant book Nine Lives. “On returning to Delhi after ne... 28th February 2011 Tata Tea Jaago Re- Voter Registration Campaign Jaago Re! is a non-partisan national campaign launched by Tata Tea, to awaken and enable the citizens of India, especially the youth, to register for voting. Its mission is to register everyone in India to vote in the next 5 years, for better governance. ... 15th February 2011 3 Simple Acts of Change That Can Potentially Change Our Nation 1. Spread the word about the Mobile Dustbin: If you travel by train or bus, you’ve probably seen people throw things out the window or right there next to your feet. Now you’re usual response would be to grumble about it and shift your feet or like countl... 15th February 2011 Volunteer for NGO Work on jaagore Jaagore has different solutions for all users who want to get informed and connected on issues related to ‘Social Well-being’ in our country. The four main sections on the portal are – Act, Speak up, Learn and Connect. The first of these four sections is ... 15th February 2011 Climate Change and what we can do about it The world around us is changing. When most people think of global warming, they think of icebergs melting, seas rising and low-lying areas getting flooded. But it is no longer just an apocalyptic warning of doom. It is no longer something that will happen... 05th February 2011 In case you find time from timepass, give it to Jaago Re The Tata Tea Jaago Re! Campaign is synonymous with social change. It encourages regular citizens like us to go out and do our little bit to bring about the change that we want to see, instead of cribbing and complaining about all the ailments that afflict... 26th January 2011 Its time to awaken and be the change you want to see Every morning, all of us wake up, and go about our daily routine. Hardly noticing the garbage strewn about the streets. Ignoring the beggars who lurk in every nook and corner. Denying the existence of the potholes that we drive over. Rarely making the eff... 20th January 2011 Jaagore – the online movement of change Tata Tea’s landmark campaign – “Har Subah Sirf Utho Mat, Jaagore!” – has been encouraging citizens to participate in the change that they want to see since 2007. Through the years it has acted as an enabling catalyst on the issue of exercising voting righ... 10th January 2011