prenoyyonerp's Articles en-us Ways in Removing Age Spots Naturally Who does not want to know the ways in removing age spots, age spot removal is one of the many challenges that many fair skinned middle aged women faces. Age spots, also known as liver spots and solar lentigo are pigmented spots on the skin that usually... 16th March 2011 Beauty Foods for Beautiful Skin It is common knowledge that an individuals diet can affect the body so it is not surprising that foods can also be used as a natural cosmetic source. The right choice of foods can bring back the natural glow to the eyes, skin, and hair, all the things the... 03rd March 2011 Honey Facial Treatments If you want to try a natural facial treatment that will leave your skin feeling soft and supple give a honey facial a try. If you like the results the first time, which most people do, then you can do these two or three times a week. This is the best h... 02nd March 2011 How to Apply Smoky Eye Makeup Smoky eyes give an attractive look to the eyes. Smoking out your eyes has become a popular eye makeup procedure because it is simple to create and benefits all types of faces.Smokey eye look set a dramatic tone and draws attention to your eyes. For tho... 28th February 2011 How to Get Glossy Hair Naturally Everyone is dreaming of having shiny hair but getting one is not an easy thing. Most of the time you need to spend a lot of money just to get the right results you wanted. If you happen to have long hair then you need more time and even energy if you want... 22nd February 2011 Permanent Skin Whitening Have you ever longed for fairer, brighter skin? Strange isn't it? How some very fair ladies feel they look sickly and bask in the sun for a so called healthy tan. They were healthier pale than browned because a tan is a sign of sun damage. If you are born... 25th January 2011