Real Bellezza's Articles en-us Restoring Physical Appearance is Now Easy Amongst the numerous surgical processes in practice, cosmetic surgery affordable is an effective procedure, which involves the re-establishment or restoration of the physical appearance of the body. Being a subset of plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery affo... 07th June 2011 Cosmetic Surgery Abroad No Longer A Dream Looking good and fit is the desire of every individual since time immemorial. Being beautiful and attractive define the personality of a person. Men and women of all ages are undergoing plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. With the development in medical... 26th May 2011 Daunting Task of Looking Good is Now Easy with Plastic Surgery More and more people are increasingly feeling conscious about the way they look. A perfect solution for this is plastic and cosmetic surgeries, which have become the latest buzz words in the market. Plastic surgery can be categorised into two subsets, nam... 08th April 2011 Surgery and a Perfect Body Medical science has developed in the recent years, especially in the field of plastic surgery. People are increasingly choosing artificial ways of augmenting their looks all over the world. The new procedures are designed to enhance the appearance without... 30th March 2011 Cheap Surgeries and Procedures Abroad Liposuction procedures, cheap dental work and cosmetic surgery abroad have become a fad these days. Plastic surgery techniques include liposuction procedures for getting the desired results around the targeted area of the body. Liposuction procedures can ... 15th March 2011