Select A Skip's Articles en-us The Definitive Skip Hire Guide Cleaning out the garden or building a new conservatory? Need to hire a skip but don't know where to look, or which company to go with? Read on for advice and tips to make sure that you find the correct skip at the correct price. Not All Skip Hire Com... 10th January 2011 Changes To Skip Hire Up until very recently most skip hire companies would treat a skip's content as general waste, meaning that a large proportion of your waste would make its way to a landfill site or incineration plant. This has changed a lot in recent years and now the ma... 06th January 2011 Recycling If We All Do Our Bit The process of recycling involves many many individual processes depending on the material that is being recovered. This waste must go through many different stages before it can finally be re-used. Due to advances in technology, recycling is becoming ... 06th January 2011