clownsupplies's Articles en-us The Different Types of Clowns We recognize them all: the clown with the pretty white face and the almost aristocratic bearing; the tramp with his bindle, so sad, never catching a break; the everyman with the oversize shoes, who trips and causes the man on the ladder to fall into a tub... 12th March 2012 The Art of Pie Throwing The act of pie throwing as a form of comedy has been a crowd favorite for many years. As a matter of fact, in film, pie throwing dates back to the early 1900’s, and even earlier on stage. Throughout history, many of the comedy greats like, Charlie Chaplin... 21st February 2012 Three Easy Magic Tricks to Impress Your Audience A clown should have several tricks up his sleeve...and why not? There's something magical about a good clown, so nobody should be surprised when they start doing magic tricks. Some magic tricks take a lot of work and practice to get just right, but some a... 22nd March 2011 Add Some Jokes to Your Juggling When performing, we never made a mistake juggling, well, almost never - just make it part of your act! Here are some helpful lines: • "This is where my act starts picking Up" • "It MUST be a defective ball!" • "WOW! Did you feel that gust of wind?" ... 21st March 2011 Five Easy Steps for How to Paint a Clown Face We hope these 5 easy steps on painting clown faces are very helpful to you. The white face makeup is most commonly associated with clowns; therefore we use this style of clown face for this article on painting clown faces. Start up tips: Always work wi... 10th January 2011