Candace Chen's Articles en-us Masculine Men's Face Care And Anti-Aging Series - How To Ace That First Date Part 1 If you're heading for a first date, chances are you're a bit nervous. Take a deep breath. Being informed and planning ahead are the masculine man's best defenses against first date jitters. Have a Game Plan It's important to decide where to go and... 17th March 2011 Why The Beauty Industry Hates Men 5B - Three Basic Elements Of A Missed Business Opportunity Second Part of a Two Part Series: The Future List of Top 10 Stupidest Beauty Company Blunders While every one of the eye popping monstrous missed opportunities in Part 1 of this writing have varied details and present different scenarios, it's insightf... 03rd March 2011 Why The Beauty Industry Hates Men - Beauty Industry and Missed Opportunities Part 1 Part 1 of a 2 Part Series: Missed Opportunities and The Beauty Industry In business, we've all played the "if I only knew then what I know now…" game. And yes, most - if not all - of us would lunge at the opportunity to jump into a time machine and e... 02nd March 2011 It's Time for the Beauty Industry to Man-Up - Why the Beauty Industry Hates Men Part 4 It's Time for the Beauty Industry to Man-Up Industry History: Is it by Default or by Design? The history of an industry is often a tale more of default than design. That is, when we step back and trace the progression of an industry, we generally se... 23rd February 2011 Why the Beauty Industry Hates Men (Part IIIA) The "Secret Life" of Male Skin Care Shoppers Exposed - Part 1 of a Special 2 Part Exposé A fundamental strength of any successful business is its ability to answer a clear, confident and consistent YES to the following question at all times: Are you ea... 19th January 2011 Why the Beauty Industry Hates Men (Part II): Real Women Love Men the Way They Are ... Real Women Love Men the Way They Are - But the Beauty Industry Doesn't. Men, we love you just the way you are. Honest. But we're fighting a losing battle with a beauty industry that wants to change you completely. According to that old, sexist joke,... 11th January 2011