Art Yii's Articles en-us Window Remedies as Artworks on the market On-line It's now typical for individuals to purchase artwork on-line most particularly to property owners who think about artwork as house decors. The believe in more than the web can even extend to purchasing for main furnishings at house which will make up the ... 01st June 2011 Artistically yours, Burlap Burlap as a cloth does not just limit its use as sack bag for potatoes and other harvest anymore. Burlap as any artist can attest is an art cloth. And its importance and practical as well as artistic usage cannot be underestimated anymore. We have seen wa... 13th April 2011 Investing for Beginners Women who are up to aesthetics will panic buy for artworks that surely please their eyes. And these are women, in general. When it comes to art pieces, their instinct asks them to look for decorative. Yet, there are also wise women who buy art carrying w... 13th April 2011 Shipping and Handling Crucial to Online Artwork Store Before an artist decides to post his artwork for sale online, he made it sure that he was able to find a quality and reliable shipping and handling company which will take care of the item's packaging, as well. He has to know, prior to pushing sale, if th... 16th March 2011 Online Exposure to Appreciate Art Good for art aficionados out there. Securing artists' creations are no longer challenging. When before grabbing artist's collection is tedious because the only access to buy is to visit the gallery or grant the invitation to art exhibit, now the internet ... 04th March 2011 Trust Quality Delivery of the Artwork When a person decides to buy art online, the first thing that he’ll possibly think of is the possible effect of shipping and handling. It is logical, however, for a buyer to be wary of potential damage which mishandling can bring to the art piece. But thi... 03rd March 2011 Should I Sell my Artwork? What do you do with paintings left in your storeroom? We paint because it’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of communicating and challenging the norm. We do it as we take a bath every day. It’s just what we do. Now the question is – my paintings are accumulati... 14th February 2011 Issues and Trends in Asian Art Scene Most forms of Asian arts are deeply- rooted in eastern philosophy and values. Images of community, nature, family, worship and praise are found in all forms- paintings, sculptures, literature and calligraphy. Most of these forms symbolize distinct and tru... 07th February 2011 Why is Oil on Canvas Popular? Oil is probably the most popular medium used by all painters. The world’s famous paintings Sunflower (Van Gogh), Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci) and Impressions Sunrise (Monet), are all painted with oils. These drying oils, typically made from lins... 21st December 2010