bodynew's Articles en-us Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck? A stubborn tummy is nothing short of frustrating. For many individuals, it doesn’t matter how religiously you commit to a diet and exercise plan because, at the end of the day, that pocket of fat lingering around your abdomen refuses to budge. In many cas... 17th June 2011 What is Scottsdale Restylane? Time tends to have a negative effect on our bodies. As we age, our skin's natural elasticity diminishes and collagen production slows, resulting in wrinkles, thinner lips, and an older complexion. However, medical science has provided us with a solution: ... 19th April 2011 3 Things to Remember About Liposuction in Scottsdale Liposuction is frequently reported by plastic surgeons as one of the most popular surgeries performed to date. It brings with it a host of benefits, including the ability to contour your body and to finally get rid of pockets of stubborn fat that refuse t... 11th April 2011 Benefit from Phoenix TUBA Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation is a popular procedure that has the potential to dramatically change the appearance of women looking to improve upon the size of their breasts. There are a variety of options and techniques available to women seeking this procedure tha... 05th April 2011 3 Things to Know About Scottsdale Lipoaug Today’s belly fat can be tomorrow’s bust line with the benefits of fat transfer breast augmentation. Recent advances in medical technology have resulted in fat transfer becoming a more accessible surgery for women looking to accentuate the size of their b... 05th April 2011 The Incredible Benefits of Microdermabrasion A time-tested and age-old technique for improving one's skin is Scottsdale microdermabrasion. This popular skin treatment is designed to exfoliate the top layer of skin, leading to the reduced appearance of scars, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and sun ex... 15th February 2011