Robin Lawson's Articles en-us Tree Surveys Necessary to carry out for Trouble-free Site Development Tree surveys are part of the science called Arboriculture. Arboriculture is a branch of horticulture that is more concerned with the well-being of the individual plants. The well-being of the trees then is comprised of selecting the proper trees for the l... 17th May 2011 How to control the spread and destroy Japanese Knotweed? Japanese Knotweed is among invasive species found in plants of Britain. It spreads quickly and harms the native vegetation as it prevents them from growing. It is also harmful for the construction industry as it has the capacity to expose weaknesses in f... 15th March 2011 Conservation of White clawed crayfish is important for ecology status of water bodies White clawed crayfish (also called Austropotamobius pallipes or Atlantic stream crayfish) is the Britain’s only native fresh water species. The native cray fish is olive-brown in colour, they have large front claws of pale pink-white colored underneath, w... 21st February 2011 Great Crested Newt – Reasons for Declining Population and Measures to Protect Them One of the largest native newt species found in Great Britain are great crested newts. They are small but very beautiful with completely black top decorated with orange or yellow undersides combined with dark large spot. Just like any other species great ... 28th December 2010