Francis David's Articles en-us Screen Monsters on Dish Network What's that coming over the hill? Oh... They'll never make them like this again," said George Lucas to Martin Scorsese as they strolled through the gargantuan Gangs of New York set. The implication was that any film, of such scale and sweep would hence... 20th January 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 The end of the beginning... Previously on Harry Potter... An 11-year-old Harry prevailed over a trying situation where the ethereal form of Lord Voldemort came out of the back of Ian Hart's head. He stabbed a giant snake with a special sword and kil... 20th January 2011 Living the Dream Why Nolan's comprehensive fantasy feels so authentic... Perhaps it’s all down to Michael Caine. Consider about it: adviser figure Miles (Caine) is the one who trained hi-tech thief Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) how to get into dreams, the core of Christ... 20th January 2011 Christmas Day Family Entertainment Christmas is just around the corner and I thought it would be nice to switch things up a bit this year. This is my favorite holiday, so I certainly don’t want to change too many of the festivities, yet I still want to liven things up for the family. It’s ... 20th January 2011 Iron Man 2 This Christmas on Dish Network The second episode of the Iron Man saga centers on a battle between brilliant, forceful sons driven to preserve the legacies of their brilliant, forceful fathers, which doesn’t exactly make for the same kick-ass comic-book ... 20th January 2011 Not So Sweet Coraline Classic fairytale with all the schmaltz spat out Coraline is the latest stop-motion animated feature from director Henry Selick. The man behind A Nightmare Before Christmas. This time he's turned to a novel by noted fantasy author Neil Gaiman, and the re... 18th January 2011 A Triumph of Greek Tragedy 300 returns to Blu-ray with extras to rival the armies of Xerxes 300 purport to recount the story of the 300 Spartans who stood up to the might of the Persian Empire. By taking his cues from Frank Miller's hyper-macho comic books, director Zack Snyder'... 18th January 2011 Comcast Customers Turning to Dish Network ‘Tis the season for holiday bargains right up until Christmas . People are shopping for their electronic essentials and splurging a little more on Blue Ray players and High Definition TVs. Consumers who finally get their hands on the flat screen or plasma... 18th January 2011 The Fighter Wahlberg Vs Bale Everyone's preparing for the upcoming hit film The Fighter starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale. The movie is slated for release December 12, 2010 just in time for the slew of high budget Hollywood hits and some greatly anticipated independent films.... 18th January 2011 Dish Network Holiday Specials on TV It's past Thanksgiving and for Dish Network programming that means its time for Holiday Specials on TV. Will Farell as Buddy the Elf Started it off on The USA Network on Black Friday. Soon to folllow will be Billy Bob Thorton as Bad Santa. Tim Allen as th... 18th January 2011 The Future of Films Hollywood believes 3D can deliver a cash and creativity boost ‘We view our world in three dimensions and hence we ought to create our entertainment into that.' So says Buzz Hayes, a man who has produced seven of Sony's eight 3D pictures. 'We wake up an... 18th January 2011 Will Grace More Accessible Homosexuality In September 1998, NBC launched Will & Grace. It was created by writers Max Mutchnick and David Kohan and directed by James Burrows, the program featured the first openly gay male character in a lead role on prime-time television. The move was risky, airi... 18th January 2011 The Battleship Potemkin Showing Next Week on DISH Network The Battleship Potemkin was conceived as an episode of an eight-part series celebrating the failed 1905 revolution. A French magazine article about the mutiny provided the likely starting point for the film’s scenario. The cast was assembled from resident... 18th January 2011 The Piano Playing this Week on Dish Network Dish Network is showing the film ‘Piano’ this week. Let’s look at the synopsis of this great movie. In 1847, Ada and her daughter, Flora, are sent to New Zealand, where the mute Ada is to marry Stewart. Mother and daughter disembark on a remote beach, whe... 13th January 2011 The Night of the Hunter Return of the Big Bad Wolf I have recently seen this movie at a film festival and loved it so much. And to my surprise, this is one is going to show in Dish Network this week. Let me share something about this wonderful movie. Synopsis: When Ben Harper is arrested for murder and... 13th January 2011 The Godfather Keeping It in the Family Paramount took an option on Mario Puzo’s novel before it became a best seller. The project was thrust upon a reluctant and untried Francis Ford Coppola after Elia Kazan, Arthur Penn, Peter Yates and Fred Zinnemann turned it down, the most frequently cited... 13th January 2011 When All Digital TV Arrived Were We Ready The midnight on February 17, 2009 marked the end of analog broadcast television transmissions in the United States. At that time, all full-power terrestrial television stations turned off their analog transmitters and broadcast solely in the Advanced Tele... 11th January 2011 What Digital Revolution Can Do For Your Television The digital revolution has democratized television production. Anyone with exciting ideas and modest video equipment can make programs of interest to broadcasters, digital channel companies and web-site producers. Affordable shooting and editing equipment... 11th January 2011 Television Interviewer How You Can Be A Good One The television interview does not operate in the same way as a magazine or newspaper interview, where the personality of the magazine interviewer is important. The magazine reader usually wants to know how the interviewer got on with the subject, and what... 11th January 2011 Television Posters Have Your Beloved Television Characters Steal a look at you from the Walls Television has indeed become an essential constituent of every home or malls, restaurants or any other public places. Even luxury buses have installed Television sets for their passengers to enjoy and take pleasure during their travel. Television has turn... 07th January 2011 Report Many Viewers Still Resort to Television for Amusement Even as a lot of experts are contemplating that the number of Television viewers has been on a decline owing to the advent of Internet and video websites, recent reports have revealed that Television is even now the screen of preference for many people ac... 07th January 2011 Internet Television Advantages and Its Disadvantages Have you ever pondered over how a trend or fashion becomes the most established means for anything to get done? Is it when the main players do or is it when everybody jumps on the wagon? No matter what the situation, one can no longer consider the Interne... 07th January 2011 Plasma Television Why you Shouldn't Worry about its Life Span What do you say? Does your Plasma TV set have a long life span? The opinions are varying. But the common consensus is that they have a long life span. As you know Plasma Television set is more expensive than an ordinary Television set, the life span of a ... 05th January 2011 Rock and Shock 2010 I love October. My birthday is this month as well as Halloween and, of course, the Rock and Shock horror convention at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA. Rock and Shock is a three-day event from October 15-17th when horror fans from miles around can meet an... 05th January 2011 Install Your Flat Screen TV on Your Own Now, the most trendy home entertainment gadget is the Flat screen TV. Thanks to the latest innovations in plasma and LCD technologies. With their enhanced picture quality, the Flat screen Televisions are here to stay. Not only they have superior quality t... 31st December 2010 TV Advertising The Best Medium to Advertise your Products Summary: Pros and cons are always associated with all types of advertising and it’s not different with advertising through Television. However, advantages are more noticed in case of advertising through Television as people tend to spend more time watc... 21st December 2010 Placing Television Advertisements Things to Ponder Advertising through Television has become one of the most successful and effective medium for any companies to market and sell their products to a considerably large audience or consumers. Television advertisements have many advantages as compared to othe... 21st December 2010 Go Back to the Future There are moments that are meant to be relished. I’m right now devouring one such moment in my life. As I am typing down this article using my laptop sitting in my garden, with the evening sun gently warming my skin, my son pedaling away in his newly boug... 21st December 2010 Meet the Prees VS Fox News on Dish Network Meet the Prees VS Fox News on Dish Network if you’ve ever tuned in to a Sunday morning talk show like “Meet the Press” on NBC or “This Week” on ABC, you know that your television screen has become a political battleground. Weeknights are the same as Fox C... 15th December 2010 New Releases and Fun Flicks Movies Newly Released This Week to DVD and Fun Flicks on the Premium Channels I went to the video store last night expecting to rent three movies to watch over the next few days. The anticipation of renting these new releases had been building for some... 15th December 2010 Tips to Connect Your Laptop to your TV Set Guys did you know about This is one of the safest precautions that might be of immense help during emergency situations. For this, you need to call a toll free no and record a message. Eventually, this message will be broadcast... 11th December 2010