Maddy's Articles en-us Buying a Copy Machine? Read This First When we talk about office equipment, one of the first few devices that come to our mind has a copy machine for sure. Unparalleled utility and requirement of photocopiers make them an indispensable part of every office. Though most businesses are trying to... 23rd August 2011 Solar training courses – Prepare for a better tomorrow The development of science and technology has given us immense devices and all of these need power to go on. Simultaneously, it is important there arises awareness among people about preserving energy or making use of the renewable energy sources that we ... 03rd May 2011 Solar Power for a Brighter Tomorrow Mankind has achieved what must have been fairytale material for the people from the last century. The progress has made the world a much more convenient place to live with new products and innovations coming in the market continually. Today, we can find a... 18th March 2011 Go Solar – Save Money while Saving Nature Thanks to innovations in every field, the world has become a much more convenient place to live. Today, you have access to all the information in the world at your mouse clicks; you can opt from innumerable electrical appliances to improve your everyday l... 26th January 2011