MarcyWatson's Articles en-us News of the Christian kind Christian News targets a larger audience than just Christians. But most people would turn their eyes away from Christian Newspaper articles because of the very title. These articles, in fact, are generally secular in nature and include a wide variety of... 23rd February 2011 News and Information offered by Christian Newspapers Christian News Papers are very popular form of media publications and can be found in the form of newspapers, magazines, digital publications, search engines, web portals, etc. They are usually run by multimedia organizations. Websites of such newspapers ... 22nd February 2011 The Word of God The world changes, moves and evolves at a blinding speed—thanks to technology. For an individual to keep pace and keep himself/herself updated with the changing times is no mean feat. In the days of old, people were assigned specially for spreading the ne... 09th February 2011 Newspapers still have their importance in the busy world. Everyone in the world has a right to get informed about the daily happenings of the lives around them. Messengers were the mediators in the early days that did their best to get individuals updated of each other. But with the increase in masses and develo... 18th January 2011