LisaYu's Articles en-us The Best Way To Decrease Weight - Basic Tips Tips on how to reduce fat and lose fat can be monotonous to learn about, and even harder to actually do! It may be surprising for you to discover that Asian women have been able to reduce their weight and get trim for thousands of years without starving... 19th January 2011 Low Carbohydrate Diet - Lean Asian Strategies A low carb diet is not something for merely the latest diet fad or weight loss plan. It could be unexpected for you to discover that Asian women have been using diets low in carbs to get skinny for thousands of years! Today we're going to look at a few ... 19th January 2011 How To Lose 10 Pounds in A Single Week - With no Starving! How to drop 10 pounds in one week without starving is a difficult request. When customers in my Skinny Asian Diet system come to me with this challenge I generally inform them that it can be done if they're paying attention and stay sharp. Here are a fe... 14th January 2011 Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat - 3 Basic Tips The simplest way to eliminate tummy fat can be learned without having to deal with to do thousands of crunches or going hungry for days and nights on some kind of ridiculous "detox" diet. Asian women have developed easy methods to drop inches from their ... 04th January 2011 Tips On How To Reduce Weight - Easy Tips The way to reduce fat and lose fat can be dull to read about, and even harder to actually do! It may be shocking for you to discover that Asian women have had the capacity to reduce their weight and get slim for thousands of years without starving and w... 01st December 2010 The Banana Diet Program - Why It Does Not Work The banana diet is a something customers in my Skinny Asian Diet program are inquiring about lately and I would like to take some time to reveal why it's not the correct choice for a large number of people trying to lose weight. Like many things in life... 01st December 2010 Asian Healthy Eating Plan Secrets - Get Lean Now! Asian diet strategies to get lean are all around us if we just look. Clients in my Skinny Asian Diet system are normally shocked at just how straightforward it is to get lean fast, even right after child birth, by applying the same basic fundamental meth... 01st December 2010