elsbeth sile's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com The Master Of Art Restorations A picture of a dog painted by this certain artist will look like a person complete with coat, tie and collar. To the public this is called anthropomorphic art. He is capable of restoring painting that has been present since the 18th century like that one ... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-master-of-art-restorations-2042181.html 17th February 2011 The Workings of a Colorado Artist Like teachers the world over, instructors at a guide dogs school for the blind, are careful not to show favoritism to any one of their students, although recently a painting of one of the graduates was proudly hung in the new lounge of the non profit scho... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-workings-of-a-colorado-artist-1911515.html 20th December 2010 Finding her calling in painting pets Thanks to the extraordinary talent of a female artist, many beloved pets will be immortalized. A cat, dog, pony or even white rat will be the apple of its master's eye and she acknowledges that. Before the animal pets can have their images plastered on th... http://www.articleheaven.net/finding-her-calling-in-painting-pets-1855702.html 22nd November 2010