Al Rat's Articles en-us What Makes A Great Logo Design? A logo is an important part of your business identity and your brand. The logo design process is different for every designer but there are certain elements that all successful logos and logo designs have in common. As unique as each businesses' logo is... 31st October 2011 Plastic Surgery Is a Big Decision – Get the Information You Need Plastic surgery is a big decision – financially, physically and emotionally. There are many reasons for which people may choose to undergo plastic surgery, both aesthetic and medical. In order to make the right decision regarding plastic surgery, it is ... 25th March 2011 Some Simple Suggestions for Advertising and Marketing Your Business In today’s market it can be difficult to get your brand recognized, to stand out from the crowd. In the past it was enough to put an ad in the local paper, hand out flyers or stick an employee out on the roadside wearing a sandwich board promoting your p... 16th November 2010