ralph nelson's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Life And Paints The teachers at the guide dogs school for the blind maintained that they never particularly favored any student but there was some controversy as a portrait of one graduate was recently displayed in the non profit institution. The dog in the picture is Je... http://www.articleheaven.net/life-and-paints-2102373.html 09th March 2011 How People Like Anthropomorphic Art For this artist, he is able to paint an ordinary pug that looks closely like Winston Churchill, with the high collar, necktie and waistcoat. People can easily identify this as anthropomorphic art. The artistic genius of this painter allows him to be able ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-people-like-anthropomorphic-art-2042132.html 17th February 2011 Famous People Seek Portrait Painters Portrait painting has reached its peak in the 20th century and an American artist currently residing on an Italian island is making much money on three continents. This abstract painter pointed out that art is back to being a career that makes money. Focu... http://www.articleheaven.net/famous-people-seek-portrait-painters-2031401.html 15th February 2011 Unexpected Commissions for a Lady Artist The peak of portrait painting in the 20th century has given this American woman artist a chance to cash in on three continents. The figures are back with art, the artist pointed out, having started her career as an abstract painter. The human appearance i... http://www.articleheaven.net/unexpected-commissions-for-a-lady-artist-1936385.html 07th January 2011 Various Approaches to Animal Portraits For six local artists, they will demonstrate their individual approaches to animal painting in a program that is to be held in conjunction with the animal friends exhibit in one museum. The requirement for each of the artists is to create an animal theme ... http://www.articleheaven.net/various-approaches-to-animal-portraits-1914022.html 21st December 2010