himansu's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com To see probably the largest collection of wall murals you have to go to the Stanzas in the Vatican. To see probably the largest collections of wall murals in the world you have to go to the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican. The Stanze di Raffaello or ‘Raphael Rooms’ make up a suite of rooms in the Vatican which are open to the public. These cont... http://www.articleheaven.net/to-see-probably-the-largest-collection-of-wall-murals-you-have-to-go-to-the-stanzas-in-the-vatican-1962710.html 18th January 2011 One of Leonardo da Vinci's greatest wall murals was his painting of The Last Supper' in Milan, Italy If you enjoy going into old buildings such as churches and museums you will likely look up to the ceilings and walls and be amazed at the wall murals painted on them. You can not help but admire the craftsmanship and the hours of painstaking work that wen... http://www.articleheaven.net/one-of-leonardo-da-vincis-greatest-wall-murals-was-his-painting-of-the-last-supper-in-milan-italy-1962709.html 18th January 2011 Michelangelo, although not liking painting and known more for his sculptures, produced the worlds mo Michelangelo, or to give him his full name Michelangelo diLodovico Buonarroti Simoni, which must have been a mouthful for his mother. When his mother called him in for his tea, by the time his mother had finished calling his name tea was over. He was r... http://www.articleheaven.net/michelangelo-although-not-liking-painting-and-known-more-for-his-sculptures-produced-the-worlds-mo-1962707.html 18th January 2011 Anaglypta wallpaper is one of the main types of embossed papers produced Anaglypta wallpaper is is a relief decoration wallpaper that is now a brand of CWV Ltd. Its predecessor was Lincrusta which is a deep embossed wallpaper. It was invented by Frederick Edward Walton (1834 - 1928) in 1877 who was a manufacturer who also inve... http://www.articleheaven.net/anaglypta-wallpaper-is-one-of-the-main-types-of-embossed-papers-produced-1962689.html 18th January 2011 The Sampul Tapestry while being a unique wall covering it ended up being used in a very different One of the most unusual examples of a wall covering discovered was the Sampul Tapestry wall covering (also called the Urumqi Warrier and the Cherchan Man) Sampul is on the southern edge of the Taklamakan Desert in western China just above Tibet. It is ... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-sampul-tapestry-while-being-a-unique-wall-covering-it-ended-up-being-used-in-a-very-different-1962672.html 18th January 2011 There is great debate as to the correct wording of Mural or Murial when referring to Mural Prints. There is great confusion as to what is an actual ‘mural’ and also the correct pronunciation. This is because people still refer to it as a ‘Murial’, which it is not, Murial is a girls name. This is vital if you are searching for ‘Mural Prints’ on the int... http://www.articleheaven.net/there-is-great-debate-as-to-the-correct-wording-of-mural-or-murial-when-referring-to-mural-prints-1962668.html 18th January 2011