smile's Articles en-us What Can an Excellent Salesperson Do Apart From Selling? With the upsurge of having business online, many of the sellers begin to realize that it is necessary to have a research on both customers and sellers so as to take advantage and make more money through online sales. When more traffic is brought to the se... 07th February 2011 Excellent Sellers are not Grown in a Day Everybody wants to make money. Some of them earn their money through their effort and correct ways while others get money by illegal ways, such as robbery. It is true that some illegal ways can bring a great deal of money to us, but we cannot do it, or ou... 03rd February 2011 The Importance of Communication Skills Obviously, having a good chance is a way to obtain a good job. Although not everyone is so fortunate enough to get it, however, we can do something to change. Take an interview for example, perhaps you are not the best one with high diploma and rich exper... 28th January 2011 Effective Communication Starts from Here Do you sometimes feel that you are rarely understood by others at a certain communication? As a manager in one an iphone accessories stores, I did have this problem before when I entered this field after my graduation. Since the first failure of communica... 26th January 2011