manoharsinha's Articles en-us Halloween- A Fun Holiday with Scary Parties Halloween also known as All Hollow’s Eve & All Saints’ Eve is a yearly holiday which is celebrated on the 31st October. Halloween holidays celebration includes parades and festivals. Its main observances are costume parties, carving pumpkins, ghosts tou... 20th September 2011 How to Celebrate New Year parties on New Year’s Eve New Year celebration is one of the most excited and delightful experience for youths, they are seen very excited on this popular and excited day with special New Year parties. New Year is celebrated with fireworks at the knock of midnight as the new year ... 13th May 2011 Find Your Love Compatibility with Your Life Partner in this Year The horoscopes are a methodical technique of predictions through calculations based on the movements of planets. 2012 horoscopes have planned in the best means likely to suggest you an on the way into the events and incidents that are predicted to be wait... 18th April 2011 Love Horoscopes is Representation for your Love Life Love is a most beautiful feeling entire the world, which touches every one in many points of our lives. Love horoscopes mean the theory, the positions of the sun, moon and planets which have a strong effect on our life, personality, character and destiny.... 07th February 2011 Makar Sakranti Festivals of Kites brings new possibilities in life After every night, a new day starts. Day combines to form week, week to month, and month to year. So after end of 12 month, new year commence. With new beginning of year, people welcomes the first day with celebration and new hopes. With a new hope, pla... 21st January 2011 Valentine’s Day: - The most beautiful feeling in the world. Valentines day is just around the corner. It is a day that couples show there loves for one another either through words, actions or gifts. The typical gift that is given on this special occasion is chocolates, perfume or flowers. This may be amusing to s... 19th January 2011 Valentine’s Day blossom of Love with Valentine’s Day, Easter and Chinese New Year Like in the rest of the world a day is dedicated to love and romance even in China. The Chinese do not celebrate the day on the 14th February rather the Chinese Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th month according to the Lunar Calendar... 08th November 2010