Jake Edmund's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Local charity and how it relies on charity awareness In England and Wales, there are about 170,000 main charites who are registered with the Charity Commission at the moment. The majority of these not for profit organisations depend a lot on receiving their donations through different types of fundraising e... http://www.articleheaven.net/local-charity-and-how-it-relies-on-charity-awareness-2014190.html 07th February 2011 Gibraltar - Role Model in Community awareness and charitable giving Community awareness is very important, as people should be aware of the society and it’s surroundings especially in the place they live. It is good to take notice of any problems or issues within the community and not just go about your own life looking a... http://www.articleheaven.net/gibraltar--role-model-in-community-awareness-and-charitable-giving-1929250.html 05th January 2011