Avasoft's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Commutator paper, what is that? Commutator paper is an important part of any motor that requires the use of carbon brushes. It is used to create a proper seal around the brushes while also pre-shaping the brushes and also cleaning the surfaces of the commutator. Having a proper seal ... http://www.articleheaven.net/commutator-paper-what-is-that-2436480.html 23rd January 2013 5 Summer Lawn Care Tips for Every Homeowner Homeowners looking for summer lawn care tips have come to the right place. Summertime is one of the most difficult times of the year for our lawns. Spring’s lush, green grass has gone and been replaced by dry, half-dead lawns. So how do you make the most ... http://www.articleheaven.net/5-summer-lawn-care-tips-for-every-homeowner-2434869.html 16th October 2012 For Sale: 2,000-piece Scheak Collection A multimillion-dollar collection of exotic international antiques, acquired by the Brant Museum and Archives in 1993, is this week being packed and shipped to Toronto to be readied for sale by Waddington's auction house.Removal of the 2,000-piece Scheak c... http://www.articleheaven.net/for-sale-2000piece-scheak-collection-2080123.html 01st March 2011