Sharon Strock's Articles en-us 3 Considerations in Purchasing a Factory Storm Water System If your factory is considering purchasing a storm water system, it is not enough that you learn about different storm water equipment. You also have to study the community you are in. Note that there are some storm water systems that become ineffective du... 05th October 2011 Water Pollution – Effects and Prevention Keeping storm water away from natural water bodies helps in marine life preservation. To stress the necessity of separating storm water from natural water bodies, you must look at the consequences that your everyday actions bring to the environment. Indee... 05th October 2011 What Your Company Can Get from Storm Water Management If you think that your company's efforts of saving paper and electricity are enough to contribute to the environment, think again. If you really wish to contribute to the environment, you must employ storm water best management practices (BMP). The storm ... 05th October 2011 A Way to Please Environmentalists Today, many consumers are becoming more conscious about the environment. Many refuse to buy products that have non-biodegradable packaging; many opt to use their bicycle than their car; also, many refuse to print documents unless really needed. If you wan... 05th October 2011