Mark Hudson's Articles en-us What Is The Role Of A Social Media Manager In Social Media Networking Sites Individuals nowadays are searching for something which is real, something which is high profile and something through which they’ll be able to earn lots of cash in a very short time period. There are lots of individuals that are trying to find an online b... 13th October 2010 Social Media - Who Is Actually In Control? The chief advantage of social media is that it allows individuals to connect with their family and friends and it also assists them in identifying the common interests and they will also assist in starting new friend ships. The only negative aspect which ... 13th October 2010 Learn About The Uses Of Social Media Sites Many of the people are constantly talking about social media platforms such as FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These social media platforms could be extremely useful for both individuals and for business. People would be able to increase their popularity ... 13th October 2010 The Future Of Social Media Networking Sites The present explosion of the social media networking sites is one of the biggest phenomenon the on-line world has seen. The last wide spread popular phenomenon was that of the The revenue which was earned by all the social media networking sites... 13th October 2010 Pop Culture And The Use Of Social Media Do you know why famous singing groups and musicians put up their pages on social media sites? Aren’t they busy? Where can they find the time to interact with their fans on these social networking sites? As most of the artist do not have too much time on ... 13th October 2010 marketing a celebrity with the help of social media In this article we are going to talk about using YouTube for Celebrity Marketing. Video is where your celeb wants to be anyway, so why not make it a part of the marketing campaign that'll make them a household name, if they aren’t already? You need to ... 13th October 2010 Branding A Celebrity Effectively Managing the campaigns could be made easier with social media tools that could do the work for you, even when you’re sleeping. By using Twitter services, for instance, that would tweet all through the day, you can sit back and watch the buzz around a cele... 13th October 2010