lovefreespirits's Articles en-us Five Easy Ways to Be Green You hear terms like renew, recycle and sustainability all the time. From the media to coffee shops and carpool lanes, everyone talks about going green. However, what does it mean to "go green" and do your part to reduce your carbon footprint? Believe it o... 18th March 2011 16 Climate Change Solutions - The Built Environment Government could be a force for progress in finding Climate Change solutions. The problem simply has to be solved. Time is showing that there is no escape from this reality. Politics aside, the governance mechanisms need to be in the public interest, free... 18th March 2011 Recycling CFLs Everybody has it happen now and then; a light bulb burns out in your home. What do you do? If you have a CFL bulb, you do not want to throw it in the trash. Instead, recycle it. Why should we recycle our CFL bulbs? First, CFL bulbs have mercury in them... 17th March 2011 uses |glass recycling Glass recycling is both easy and favourable. Let's start with a benefits of glass recycling: Glass recycling is good for the environment.. A glass container that is despatched to a landfill can take up to a million years to collapse. in contrast, it... 17th March 2011 Why We Should Recycle Paper Paper and even paper products are the most important specific component of society's garbage stream. The progress to repurpose paper and generate products is primarily an effort diminish the quantity of costly, disposable waste. Once we choose to use re... 17th March 2011