ShellyBrayzer99's Articles en-us Can You Really Eat Ice Cream and Still Lose Weight? The normal response when a person reads the name, Ice Cream Diet, can be from doubt to disbelief just by going on the name. Let's see, you want to drop some weight, but you eat ice cream - not just eat it, but eat it everyday. Does seem contradictory. But... 25th October 2010 A Review of the Ice Cream Diet Want to lose weight while eating Ice Cream, try the Ice Cream Diet. With all of the other diets out there you may be wondering just how much of your time this diet is worth. Could this diet be the one for you, read the review and find out. We all know ... 25th October 2010 Is the Ice Cream Diet Really All Its Cracked Up To Be? There could be a new trend in diets, with the Ice Cream Diet making promiese of weight lose. Yet with so many different diets to choose from, you may be wondering if this one is worth trying. Could this diet be the one for you, read the review and find ou... 25th October 2010