Lesnick1407's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Virtual assistant service of conference calls Conference calls mean one kind of telephone calls in which the caller can talk with many parsons at a time. These modems are specially design for the group of called party to provide the facility to take part in seminar in a group. It is often called as a... http://www.articleheaven.net/virtual-assistant-service-of-conference-calls-2227557.html 13th May 2011 Effectiveness of video conference call services The new flanged conference calls technology has brought a revolutionary change throughout the whole world especially in business promotion. The business premises are generally using conference calls on a regular basis to get together with both the interna... http://www.articleheaven.net/effectiveness-of-video-conference-call-services-2227508.html 13th May 2011 Increasing use of web conferencing in corporate world Conference calls have become quite essential nowadays for the companies as well for the common people. Conference calls are of two main types, the audio conference calls and the video conference calls. The audio conference calls have become an integral pa... http://www.articleheaven.net/increasing-use-of-web-conferencing-in-corporate-world-2227216.html 13th May 2011 Conference calling the best means to arrange your business meetings With the major influence of internet and the web world in the present day context, communication has become a lot easier. The fact is that in this busy dynamic time schedule of life of the modern day people the fastest means of communication is the most e... http://www.articleheaven.net/conference-calling-the-best-means-to-arrange-your-business-meetings-1705646.html 17th August 2010