Brenda Rubio's Articles en-us Top 5 Horror Films One of the greatest human escapes from reality is watching horror films. For some instances, we are horrified by what we see, but the storyline and the gore seems to keep us occupied for two hours without flashing back to our daily problems. There are ... 13th December 2010 Get fit at Home with Workout DVDs If you ever find yourself wanting to go to the gym but cannot find the time, why not get fit at home with workout DVDs? Revolutionary, right? Well, not really, but this idea has helped many people reach their fitness goals without ever having to sign a... 13th December 2010 Classic Horror Films There is nothing like watching a classic (a classic horror film that is). Horror films have always been intriguing which is why horror is actually an adaptation of a good drama. Whether it is the chills that run up and down our spines as we watch these ... 13th December 2010