Peggy Devries's Articles en-us Body Wraps In San Jose, California San Jose in California is not the state’s most developed city for nothing. The place is also the tenth largest major metropolitan area in the United States. It’s enjoying healthy economic growth due mostly to its assets in the tech industry, w... 09th February 2011 Body Wrap: Effective Skin Care Treatment If you’re hoping for a more beautiful and smooth skin but you’ve grown tired of using moisturizing creams and lotions, you might want to try body wraps. Body wraps are considered as a more natural way of nurturing your skin cells to keep a fair and moistu... 24th January 2011 How Body Wrapping Can Reduce Your Weight You might be wondering how California girls maintain their beautiful and slender body. Well, the secret is body wraps. Many women today have found out a better and safer way to lose weight and flaunt that sexy body shape they have. Body wrap is an emer... 24th January 2011 Skin Treatments As a Means to Relaxation, Detoxification, and a Youthful Glow Here is something you may already know: your skin is your body's largest organ. It is sensitive yet strong, shedding and regenerating itself around the clock. It is protective, often telling us when something is amiss elsewhere in our bodies. Everyone's s... 07th October 2010 Identifying Skin Types and Caring for Them Before undergoing any skin care treatment, one of the most important things to know is skin type. Not all skin care treatments yield the same results for people with different skin types. The difference lies in the amount of oil and moisture stored in the... 05th August 2010 Wrapped Up for Skin Care For women, their skin deserves nothing but the best care their money can afford. Reasons of vanity aside, women's skin tends to be more prone to damage caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight and pollution in the environment. In the human body, the sk... 05th August 2010