Cora Bullock's Articles en-us Pagers, Waiters and Customers Planning to eat out? How many times have you experience going to a restaurant and had to wait for a table? Or sometimes make a fool of yourself trying to get the attention of the waiter? There used to be a time when the waiter would get your name and then... 22nd December 2010 The Future of Pagers Technology is constantly on the move, which is an undeniable fact. The demand for new and faster ways to make life easy for everyone is now being materialized. But gadgets invented now are bound to become obsolete one day. One item of interest is pagers. ... 22nd December 2010 Giving Your Restaurant an Edge over Competition Popularly known as beepers, pagers are simple communication gadgets that allow sending and receiving information from one party to another. These have become quite widely known to be used in different industries such as those related to medical, security,... 26th August 2010 A Different Way of Taking Care of Your Customers No matter how orderly and organized a restaurant is, there will always be chaos that's bound to happen sooner or later. This is because restaurants are frequented by people and where there's a congregation of a lot of persons in one place, there will defi... 26th August 2010 The Pager VS The Mobile Phone If you're the type of person who is almost always on the go instead of just remaining idle and immobile in just one place, then pagers are definitely the right communication tools for you! A lot of people use pagers for immediate and easy contacting in ca... 26th August 2010 Keeping the Paging System Alive In spite of the growing fad to use cellular phones as a means to get in touch with other people, the use of the paging system as a viable communication tool still hasn't lost its touch in the mainstream society. Dubbed as the predecessor of the cellular p... 26th August 2010 Pagers: Keeping Up with the Times In today's generation where instant communication among peers and family members has been the trend, it is quite surprising to learn that the use of pagers is still steadily growing every year in spite of the rise of cell phones as main communication gadg... 26th August 2010