Sumon's Articles en-us When does photo-editing ruin the image? In some photos the preservation of megapixels is essential. Often even a minor change in resolution can mar the overall look. That may be the key to right editing. Many high definition digital cameras still lack the right megapixel range. Often a glare or... 28th March 2011 Can Photo Retouching Change the Tonal Quality of a Picture? Digital photography has completely banished imperfect photography. Image retouching is perfect confluence of art and sciences. If the art is responsible for conceptualization of the beautiful images, science enables them to happen. The result of such a ma... 22nd March 2011 When Image touching is required? Now with digital solutions even backgrounds can be changed. Additions can be made to the original photo. Or two images can be merged effortlessly. Such perfection is only possible through the services of the digital photo studios. With many companies givi... 15th March 2011 How Does Drop Shadow Bring Magic to Professional or Personal Photography? Digital photography has revolutionized the way any kind of photos can look. It can create a magical appeal when edited professionally. Pictures are called perfect when they imbibe life and reflect the mirror image. But not all snaps carry the lively trait... 09th March 2011 History of image retouching and color correction Images are not only pictures but are fossilized moments. Thus, the history of image retouching and color correction dates back to the same era as that of evolution of human imaginary faculty. Though, digital image retouching and color correction are the l... 28th February 2011