Article Syndication's Articles en-us A 24x7 call center - Why are they a better choice? We are in the year 2010 and by any means, this is the age of quick and unhindered communication. This is the era of Twitter, Facebook and Orkut and people like to make sure that they are heard and responded to, immediately. Thus, a 24 7 call center has be... 04th June 2010 Why is 24x7 customer support important? As the world shrinks and countries come closer, people have started to think globally. They don't want to be confined to one place or wait for hours for anything. They want quickly and easily. Different industries have understood this change in thinking o... 03rd June 2010 Offshore Chat & Email Services Some very amazing and easy technologies have altered the customer services portal. Email and Online Chat services have turned into such a common deal that no one needs introduction to it. They've made customer services quicker than Roger Federer's serves ... 01st June 2010 Win your customers with our email, chat & phone support Your business is growing and the most important factor that is inducing this growth is your relationship with your customers. To maintain this relationship and to have a regular interaction with your customers, you outsource your customer support needs to... 26th May 2010 Call Centers Are Best Way to Provide Customer Support This is the age of information. Today, people don't have the patience to wait for someone to hear their complaints or provide them with required information. Thus, it becomes extremely important for a business to have call centers to provide on-demand cus... 13th May 2010