lifan's Articles en-us Square Enix Final Fantasy XIV will test in the spring Closed beta testing PC-version of a multiplayer online game Final Fantasy XIV Online will begin March 11, 2010. It is reported by Joystiq, with reference to the statement that representatives of the publisher Square Enix made during the event,ffxiv gil,en... 23rd September 2010 Final Fantasy XIV - E3 Trailer Hiromichi Tanaka, the director of Final Fantasy XIV, revealed that the Beta version of the game can only be tested by PC users. He says the Beta will be closed and will not be continuous, as well the team can monitor everything that happens in... 02nd June 2010 Star Trek Online: Test flight with the USS Game Tips - Part 1 Very suspicious, we look forward to the first online game in the Star Trek franchise. Cryptic Studios has released the game finished surprisingly fast - too fast? Fancommunities fear sloppiness on Star Trek Online. We draw our diagnostic scanner and look ... 12th May 2010