Jane White's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com 10 super beautiful hair styles for early fall With time passed by, we can hear the steps of the coming autumn. Fall is always a happy season. What would you do to your hair in this fabulous period? Why not try these hottest styles in this fall. Next i will introduce 10 super beautiful hair styles to ... http://www.articleheaven.net/10-super-beautiful-hair-styles-for-early-fall-1738771.html 09th September 2010 Women's age and their hair styles The best period for a woman is in their twenties. Different ages are suitable for different styles.Just see the article and find your proper hair style. 18 to 22 years old: girls of this age most of all just get out of the university, hence it is not... http://www.articleheaven.net/womens-age-and-their-hair-styles-1733954.html 07th September 2010 100% freshness, Japanese magazine cover hair style in September Welcoming the next season and festivals, you should chage yourself totally. Let's see what can we learn from the Japanese magazine for hair styles: Hair one: lively ponytail. Since the summer is ending, and we should take the opportunity to seize th... http://www.articleheaven.net/100-freshness-japanese-magazine-cover-hair-style-in-september-1731060.html 03rd September 2010 Create the most fashionable hair of this fall and winter Although the weather is still hot, fashion clothing for fall and winter season came out for a long time.Which kind of hair style you should wear for matching with your new clothes?Why not listen to the international hair stylist Neil Moodie's professional... http://www.articleheaven.net/create-the-most-fashionable-hair-of-this-fall-and-winter-1726972.html 01st September 2010 Hair styles for autumn season Autumn is coming and it is a nice season. We can enjoy mild sunshine and soft wind.For women, every new season we need new clothes,shoes and accessories to keep beautiful. No matter what are going to purchase for this coming autumn you shouldn't ignored y... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-styles-for-autumn-season-1725303.html 01st September 2010 Tips you shouldn't miss for all kinds of hair types Hot summer is at the end of the corner. Hence we have wear the hair style for sevaral rough months. Hair may have been damaged under the sun, wind and the heat that has fried your strands.In order to get back your healthy hair,next are some tips for all k... http://www.articleheaven.net/tips-you-shouldnt-miss-for-all-kinds-of-hair-types-1722919.html 31st August 2010 Hot hair stylers in August Standing at the end of the hot summer,it is already middle August. And today is a special day, for it is the Chinese Valentines Day. No matter for dating or the whole month look you shall know the hot hair stylers in this season. The first is the gol... http://www.articleheaven.net/hot-hair-stylers-in-august-1707056.html 18th August 2010 Nine taboos you should know about hair styles 1.Before stepping into salon and requiring the hairstyle maker to change your hair style,you should do some preparation. Many people would think hairdresser can do magic and read plan even quickly know what hairstyle suits you best.In fact there will b... http://www.articleheaven.net/nine-taboos-you-should-know-about-hair-styles-1626809.html 30th June 2010 Good hair styles with ghd hair straighteners Good hair means a lot to every lady.Ghd straightener is really a wonderful tool for the girls to make their hair more straight or curl.At the same time,ghd hair straighteners are well-known for being the ultimate in quality, when it comes to hair straight... http://www.articleheaven.net/good-hair-styles-with-ghd-hair-straighteners-1620373.html 25th June 2010