Martin Hatton's Articles en-us What Kind Of Art Does A Muralist Do? Murals are generally described as any artwork painted or directly applied, to a ceiling, wall or other permanent service. Murals usually incorporate the actual architectural parts of the given space as well. Murals are often painted on large surfaces a... 05th September 2011 The History And Rise Of Broadband Internet The birth of what we now called 'Broadband Internet' is an interesting story. That begins in 1962, when the US government were looking into ways that they could communicate with missiles and bombers, after a nuclear attack. The research was developed and ... 12th July 2010 Tax Problems Massachusetts: 4 methods of resolving unpaid taxes. People get behind on their taxes for many reasons: divorce, health issues, loss of a close family member, personal bankruptcy, business failing, etc. It doesn't matter how your tax obligations came to be. The question is how will you fix them. There are s... 07th May 2010 A Day In The Life Of A Mobile DJ Hiring a mobile discotheque these days is not like it used to be. With the advances in technology and competition, you are more likely hiring very many different services in one. Being a Mobile DJ is a lot involved then just sticking on a couple of r... 29th April 2010