advancemediagroup's Articles en-us Advance media Group Inc – Advance Services From Script to Screen…. We offer full service television commercial production. We talk with you about your business and design a commercial to deliver your message in a powerful 30-second spot. We can shoot, edit and produce original broadcast qual... 22nd April 2010 Advance media Group Inc – The Services! There are several sides to media marketing and developing an advertising campaign. The look and feel of an advertisement defines where content is presented. The interactivity of an Ad is about what is available for you to see and the call to action. W... 22nd April 2010 Advance media Group Inc – The Promotion! Strong, strategic advertising, whether in newspapers, in magazines, on TV or radio, or in literature, must grab the audience's attention, speak in their language, quickly communicate an unforgettable and meaningful message, and inspire them to take acti... 22nd April 2010 Advance media Group Inc – The Launched! We use planning and management to guide your interactive marketing. With our extensive media advertising capabilities, we deliver across interactive channels - on time and on budget. But what truly sets us apart is our ability to design big, smart high... 22nd April 2010