michael23's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Looking Into Divorce in US from Socio-Economic Aspect The experience of divorce is very traumatic in any couple’s life. However, sometimes marriage doesn’t seem to work no matter how much effort is put. The situation finally culminates to a legal separation or divorce. In USA, laws related to divorce varies ... http://www.articleheaven.net/looking-into-divorce-in-us-from-socioeconomic-aspect-1923240.html 28th December 2010 Contested & Uncontested Divorce A divorce is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for both the parties involved. It is not only the end of a relationship between a couple but also their family in most of the cases. When a divorce takes place many crucial decisions are needed to be taken b... http://www.articleheaven.net/contested--uncontested-divorce-1702882.html 16th August 2010 Common mistakes to avoid while going through a divorce It is difficult to deal with something as unsettling as divorce. You want to get it over with but it is not wise to rush into decisions. Your impatience may lead to errors and ultimately a settlement that does not give you what you rightfully deserve. You... http://www.articleheaven.net/common-mistakes-to-avoid-while-going-through-a-divorce-1648656.html 12th July 2010 Divorce proceeding – the specifications that you need to keep in mind Like all US states, the state of New York has particular laws pertaining to a divorce proceeding. A divorce may be obtained by negotiation or you may have to use litigation. Whatever the option you choose, it involves a number of legal details. To take ca... http://www.articleheaven.net/divorce-proceeding--the-specifications-that-you-need-to-keep-in-mind-1560989.html 21st May 2010