Johnny Wax's Articles en-us Planning Is Key – Birthday Party Tips When you’re planning your kid’s birthday party don’t let it be some boring event that no one will remember, you need to add some spice to the recipe that will make your guests remember the night for years to come. Don’t let the stress of hosting these par... 18th February 2011 Make your celebrations more special: If any person wants to take his kid out on his birthday or at the day the kid got passed or achieved something special, then he should take him out to let him watch his favorite team playing. This thing will definitely make the day very special in his or ... 23rd August 2010 Before You Go To Prom It would be a good idea to start planning for the special day, about three months in advance. This will give you a lot of time to get things done at a pace that would be quite comfortable to you, especially if this is your first experience. Now is the tim... 07th July 2010