lidiachen's Articles en-us Tips to Help You Reduce Plastic Waste Plastic recycling is important but reducing plastic waste recycling usage is our ticket to a healthier planet moving forward. If we were reluctant to buy in to the mass hysteria surrounding plastic waste before, recent news coming from reputable sources... 01st September 2010 Bavaria: Castle adventure park entertains the young ones Are you looking to wear out your children with a good day of entertainment and fun? Then, have I got the place for you. The Adventure Park Castle Thurn, or Erlebnispark Schloss Thurn in German, is designed to captivate your children’s imagin... 01st September 2010 Korean pacifists fight conscription Military service is mandatory in South Korea - a country still technically at war with its neighbour, North Korea,tough military boots . But in recent years, more people are questioning the compulsory nature of military service. There ar... 11th May 2010 What can we do for recycling industry in our daily life? 1.Choose goods with minimal packaging, and which are packaged in a material that can be recycled or returned in your area. 2.Try to reduce the need to throw away plastics. For example, take a reusable shopping bag to the supermarket or corner shop, or re... 20th April 2010