Charuka's Articles en-us From Scribbles to Masterpieces Such is the path from that every artist must embark on before they can ever truly be considered artists. The earliest works of any artist when first starting to explore their creative talent can never be as strong or vivid as their truly professional work... 13th May 2011 Going Green – A Necessary Shift With the rapid rate of industrialisation that is currently occurring on a global scale a large number of scientists and ordinary citizens are extremely concerned about the state of the atmosphere. It is fairly common knowledge that the chief culprits for ... 11th May 2011 Which One is Truly Mightier: The Photo or the Painting? One might think that photos are truly a better way of capturing moments since they were invented later and utilize far superior technology than that is required to create a painting. After all even the most primitive of cultures used paintings and basic a... 11th March 2011