suzi currie's Articles en-us Get Skin Beauty Through Learning Your Skin Type! All skin types are not the same. When were born our skin is usually perfect: smooth, close textured, moist, plump and with enough oil to protect it without causing problems. As we get older the conditions in which we live and our age begin to change the t... 18th June 2010 Retain Beautiful Skin With This Skin Care Routine! Whether you're new to skin care or have been cleansing for years, healthy skin is achieved by having a good daily skin care routine, morning and night. Your skin is able to cleanse, heal and even renew itself and these results are partly governed by how w... 10th June 2010 The Top 5 Ingredients For Retaining Beautiful Skin The skin care industry is enormous, And people all over the world spend massive amounts of cash in order to fix their concerns, such as wrinkles, acne, and dryness. However, a lot of consumers these days overlook healing foods for the some of the cheapest... 02nd June 2010