Gerardo Burns's Articles en-us Understanding How PRI Works WHAT is PRI? PRI stands for primary rate interface. This is the interface used for T1 lines. So what are T1 lines? These are the lines used in businesses, even micro enterprises. You don’t use a DSL or cable line for businesses, they are only good for res... 03rd June 2011 Making Business Phone Service Provider Your Lucky Charm Making your business phone service provider your lucky charm is a nice thing to do. That is if you are still looking for your luck in business. I don’t literally say that you should believe in lucky charms but just a mere inspiration to make you maximize ... 29th May 2011 3 Basic Information of the Best Business Phone Service Provider There are certain qualities that you need from your business phone service provider and these qualities are very important factor in determining whether you have chosen the best provider. Nowadays, it’s not easy to choose from the list, since there are ma... 29th May 2011 AT&T - Best Business Phone Service Provider WHAT is a business service phone provider? Actually, there are two kinds of business service phone providers in North America which are mostly situated here in the United States. The first kind is the old one which has been in existence since the turn of ... 29th May 2011 Business Phone Service Provider - Getting the Right Catch for the Best Phone lines are very important to keep the company moving. It doesn’t need whether the company is small or big, there should always be a good phone line in each of these companies. That’s how important a line of communication to every person, business ass... 29th May 2011 Business Phone Service Provider Helps You Gain Easy Access Business phone service providers have long been there since the late 1800s. That’s over a century ago and almost 150 years already. It’s amazing indeed that these business phone service providers have survived from the Great Depression down to the war yea... 29th May 2011 Surefire Ways of Choosing Your Business Phone Service Provider Do you know the reason why you have to choose your business phone service provider? Well, I’m sure many of our business owners know some very important reasons about this. However, for those of you here who just put up online business and have plans to ge... 24th May 2011 Cheap Business Phone Service From Analog to Digital Service Telecommunications is a vital component in an operational business. Through our phone lines many things happen. We can contact our business associates, transact business, follow up business proposals, answer queries from clients and all others. That’s how... 23rd May 2011 Qualities of A Good Business Phone Service Provider Are you having problems with your business phone service provider? This is a question which I’m sure many would answer “yes”, simply because they are really having problems with their phone service providers and this is normal. There are a lot of customer... 23rd May 2011 Business Phone Service Features You Need to Learn Learning the many features of your business phone service is very important so that you can easily gauge the level of usability of your phone line. Many company staffs are not clearly aware of the importance of knowing everything you can get from your pho... 18th May 2011 Who Else Wants Cheap Business Phone Service? A business phone service must be a priority for any fledgling business that you may want to establish here in the United States today. Whether we like it or not, phones are an important element to any business, whether it’s a Fortune 500 firm or merely a ... 17th May 2011 How to Choose Your Business Phone Service Provider? Do you believe that choosing a business phone service provider is very important in a business? Yes, you’re right. A phone service provider can make or break a business. This is how vital we should consider our choices for the best service provider. I’m s... 12th May 2011 Business Phone Service Provider - Helping Your Business Grow Communication between clients and business owners is a very important and most effective way of developing excellent and lasting business relationship. Doing this using a very effective communication tool is also another very challenging part of communica... 11th May 2011 XO Communications for Efficient Business THE nice thing about the products offered by XO Communications for their collocation offering called the XO Colo is the quality of the phone sets aside from the fact that it offers only cheap business phone service. Since it is a master solution provider ... 05th May 2011 Cheap Business Phone Service That Control Long Distance Charges ONCE you’ll have cheap business phone service installed in your own business, you will definitely not incur any long distance cost. Why? It is simply because a cheap business phone service runs over voice over Internet protocol or VoIP. That simply means ... 05th May 2011 XO Communications At Its Best Now let’s take a look at the extensive facilities of XO Communications when it comes to the areas they provide their cloud. You can also bundle that with other services that this master solution provider can offer such as cheap business phone service, MPL... 05th May 2011 Why I Like My Business Phone Service Provider? Do you like your business phone service provider now? Or you have experienced a lot of problems and inefficiency from your business phone service provider? Well, we have a lot of reasons to tell if we are to talk about phone providers. This is very import... 03rd May 2011 Cheap Business Phone Service A Call To Business Having a master solution provider can surely save both on electricity and long distance rates. It can save electricity because you won’t waste your money to pay a DSL connection that is so slow in transferring data it would cost overtime for your staff. A... 03rd May 2011 Business Phone Service Provider That Saves Electricity A business phone service provider can surely lets you save on electricity and long distance costs. It can save you electricity costs since you do not need to install a separate dedicated phone line for your business. And if you have five businesses across... 03rd May 2011 Business Phone Service Provider to Manage Your Business How do you look for your business phone service provider? Do you consider certain requirements when choosing your provider? Well, these are good points that every consumer needs to know. Remember that a lot of service providers in the market are making co... 28th April 2011 Choosing the Best Business Phone Service Provider Communicating is one way of understanding all that is happening around us. Most people communicate through the internet by chatting and sending emails. Others communicate through letters. Still, others communicate by talking through cellular phones or lan... 28th April 2011