Israil Khan's Articles en-us Adding a Unified Messaging System to Any Phone System Is Easy Adding Unified Messaging Voice Mail to any phone system is easy. When talking about a phone system and voice mail, we need to assume we are talking about a phone system that is able to integrate with voice mail and not some phone system that has been aro... 25th February 2010 Buy the latest wireless Polycom SoundStation Conference phones have been traditionally used to conduct an audio conference, but Polycom has brought about a revolution in this field by introducing wireless soundstations. Conference phones that worked on analog connections posed a few hassles to the u... 18th February 2010 How to buy teleconferencing equipment? Teleconferencing equipment has helped numerous organizations in facilitating an efficient and smooth flow of information across different locations with minimum of expenditure. They have also reduced the traveling expenses incurred by these companies to h... 18th February 2010 Benefits of Using VoIP Conference Phones Our business needs constant communication with our clients our associates and traveling to their places in every 3-4 days is little annoying. Understanding this, conferencing phones had been introduced to help business house to cut their travel costs and ... 17th February 2010 VoIP Based Audio Conferencing Phone & Conference Telephone Days have gone when people used to spend lot of time and money in travelling to distant locations for their meetings with clients. With the help of conference phone one can conduct live meeting from his original location with his business clients, associa... 17th February 2010 Polycom Audio Conference & Speaker Phones for Business In today's time, time simply means money and the better management of time is one of the essential things which can guarantee you success in many different businesses. To attend a single meeting of 1-2 hours we have to spend our whole day in traveling, th... 17th February 2010 Video Conferencing in the key for Global Business In today's fast paced world when there are no geographic, demographic and communal boundaries, there is a need for a system which brings the world together at a common platform for communication to take place at the global level. One such system is video ... 15th February 2010 Conference Call Phone Systems to Cut Down Communication Cost Ever thought of expanding your business using cost effective communication system? If not then do so. In order to stand ahead in competition, one has to keep updating his means of communication. The latest in the offering are conference call systems. Whe... 15th February 2010 Right equipments for the right use We basically use two types of phones, one of them is Analog phone and the other is digital phones. Analogs use a technology which transforms air vibrations into an analogous electrical frequency. Although VOIP and cell phones have been introduced, but sti... 12th February 2010 Cut your travel cost with the use Video Conferencing Systems Due to globalization business houses are not limited to their native country; they are expanding their business to other countries as well. Our business needs advanced conferencing equipments like conference phones, video conferencing systems, telepresenc... 12th February 2010 Video Conferencing Solutions for Easy Communication In this world of globalization, many times we have to travel to distant places to meet our clients, business associates or employees. Our busy schedule sometimes does not allow us to go to far places to communicate with our clients, in such a situation vi... 12th February 2010 Use of Soundstation Conference Phone in Business Are you looking out for telecoms solutions for your business? If not then you should really reconsider it, as in a fast pace world we live in, we do need effective and efficient means of communication for smooth functioning of one's business. Some of thes... 12th February 2010 Conferencing Phone Helps in Simplifying Business Communication Communication is the essence of the human existence. It is necessary for interaction and exchange of thoughts, beliefs and idea between individuals belonging to different caste, color, creed, region and religion. Conferencing phone is one way of having a ... 12th February 2010 Video Conferencing Equipment for Video Conference Call Before 20-30 years nobody could have thought that one can see other person without traveling to his place. But with the introduction of video conferencing equipment we can talk as well as see the person sitting at a far place. The purpose which video conf... 11th February 2010 Usefulness of Polycom Audio Teleconferencing & Video Conferencing Equipment Today, more and more companies are using conference technology to cut their travel cost and time. Moreover, it is not always possible to bring together everybody for a meeting. In this case, with the help of audio teleconferencing you can conduct live mee... 10th February 2010 Audio Teleconferencing & Conference Calling Services for Instant Communication Audio teleconferencing, in simple words, allows you to converse with two, three or even more people at the same, while a traditional telephone is limited to only two users. Audio conferencing has changed the way we used to communicate with our business as... 10th February 2010